
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy

(bb)in Pharmacy(/bb) 239 Causeway Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02114 (ii)Continued on page 4(/ii) (ii)(bb)Important Announcements(/bb)(/ii) 1. Recently passed legislation contained in outside sections of the governor’s budget contained many necessary pharmacy related provisions. a. The structure of the Massachusetts Board of Registra tion in Pharmacy are expanded from seven to eleven members. this variation demand the addition of another public member, a longterm care pharmacist, a registered nurse, and physician, along with a caveat that stops more than 2 pharmacists from anyone apply setting from serving at just the once (at the time of appointment). This change goes into impact immediately (as soon as qualified candidates will synthroid pills be appointed by the governor). b. Currently, the Board of Registration in Pharmacy is one of thirty six boards underneath the umbrella agency of the chief Office of client Affairs. Effective price synthroid 90 pills 112mcg January one,

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